November 2-4, 2017 | Tokyo, Japan
Thanks to the participation and support of every invited speaker, presenter, and listener. 2017 2nd Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development has been successfully held in Tokyo, Japan during November 2-4, 2017. We thank you all for your contribution to the conference, including the invited speakers, technical program commitee members and external reviewers. We look forward to meeting every one at ICNEA next year.
Selected papers of ICNEA 2017 have been published into SGCE: and indexed by Scopus!
Prof. Guohong Wu is giving his keynote speech. |
Assoc. Prof. P. W. T. Pong is giving his plenary speech. |
Session Photos
Best Presentation Awards |
[Click Here] to download more photos at ICNEA 2017.
Conference Secretary: Jennifer Zeng
+86-28-86512185 (Working Hour: GMT 10:00AM-5:00PM)