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2025 9th International Conference on New Energy and Applications (ICNEA 2025), will be held in Tokyo, Japan during December 28-30, 2025.

ICNEA 2025 aims to become one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the field of new energy and applications. It aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners, and professinals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in new enery and applications.

The conference serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving new energy technology and related techniques. It also brings together working in the related fields to communicate face to face and discuss chances for possible cooperation and hot topics in the field of new energy and applications.


Authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.pdf, .doc) will be accepted via iConference submission system:

Papers must be original and should not have been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, which will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability, plus how well they fit a coherent and balanced technical program.

If you're not interested in getting your research work published, you can choose to submit just abstract for oral or poster presenation at the conference.


Submitted papers will be reviewed by the conference technical committee, and accepted papers of ICNEA will be into conference proceedings, which will be submitted for indexing by EI Compendex, Scopus, etc.

A few selected papers will be recommended to International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy for publication after being extended, which will be indexed by Inspec (IET), CNKI, Crossref, Google Scholar, etc. It's acceptable to submit your abstract to us for only oral presentation if you're not expecting any publication of your paper.



Authors are encouraged to contribute papers concerning all aspects of new energy and application. Topics include but not limited to the following:

Green Energy Systems

Ocean Energy
Wind Energy
Solar Energy
Green power production and cogeneration
CO2 capture, storage and utilization

New Energy Applications

Geothermal Energy
Hydrogen Energy and hydropower
Low carbon technologies
Nuclear Energy technologies and application
Materials and Nanotechnology for energy systems

Energy Storage and Saving Technologies

Energy-saving Technology
Energy Chemical Engineering
Energy-efficient Lighting Products
Green Power Production and Cogeneration
CO2 Capture, Storage, and Utilization

July 30

Submission Deadline

August 20

Acceptance Notification

September 5

Camera Ready Paper

September 5

Registration Deadline



Check out the photos below to experience wonderful moments at past editions of the conference

ICNEA 2024

Prof. Chikashi Sato from Idaho State University delivering a keynote speech at the conference

ICNEA 2023

A group photo taken after all the presentatians are completed in one session