This year's program is composed of 3 keynote speeches delivered respectively by Prof. Chikashi Sato, from Idaho State University, USA; Prof. Guangming Li, from Tongji University, China and Prof. Dimitrios Karamanis, from University of Patras, Greece; 2 invited speeches delivered respectively by Dr. Mitsuo Yoshida, from Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo, Japan and Prof. Kei Nakagawa, from Institute of Integrated Science and Technology, Nagasaki University, Japan; 10 onsite sessions and 1 online oral session. We would like to express our gratitude to all the speakers in these conferences. Special thanks to all of our committee members, all the reviewers, the attendees for your active participation. We hope the conferences will be proved to be intellectually stimulating to us all.